Motorcycle Forensics blog

motorcycle forensics expert

Read about valuable information in our motorcycle forensics blog with topics covered ranging from motorcyclist safety to tips and recommendations for riders

the mentor gap

The Mentor Gap

Big Brothers (And Sisters) Needed For Ridership Movement! Generalization: The more skilled a rider you are, the more “moto-snobbery” keeps you from stooping down to help new riders to elevate their game by improving their skills and experience. Experienced riders and racers by nature don’t have patience for back markers — they want to go […]

Salesman leaving his job.

The Death of a Salesman

The traditional sales person at a car dealership is gone. Remember William Macy’s car salesman character in the movie Fargo? Pack your bags! Along with the traditional sales model vaporizing in the last 3 months, so too is the long-winded process of purchasing a new vehicle inside a dealership. It doesn’t matter whether the customer […]

Confessions Of A Customer

CUSTOMERS STILL PAY FOR THREE THINGS Are You Offering Them? CUSTOMERS ARE SPOILED. We won’t pay for what we already know. We won’t go two minutes out of our way to come visit you unless it is absolutely necessary. We’ve become a razor-edged crew of hardened shoppers who have vendors effectively coming directly to our […]

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